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Happy Valentine's Day! What better day to celebrate the greatest expression of love in the history of the world, God sending His Son into the world to seek and to save the lost.

This week's lesson is the story of the resurrection power of Jesus in raising Lazarus from the grave in John 11 (Lesson #28). What's amazed me about this story is how it is framed in the context of love.

This week the kids will be reading in Luke 18:9-17 (Lesson #27) about the Pharisee and the tax collector, followed by Jesus calling children to Himself.

To have leprosy in Jesus' day was a death sentence. You were pronounced "unclean" and driven away from family and society, forced to live in isolation from all that you once held dear. Think, if you were to wake up tomorrow morning with some kind of strange sore on your skin that would take you away from your family, your friends, your work, your church, everything!

This week we go to Luke 9 (Lesson #23) where Jesus tells his followers that the secret to true lasting life is to lose it. Read especially Luke 9:23-27.

I hope you all had a blessed Christmas. We spent our Christmas on the road to Florida with Lilli's parents and twin sister's family. We are grateful to be here and spend time with them.

This week we get to return to John 6 (Lesson #21), where we got to spend the first week of both November and December preparing our hearts to partake of the Lord's Supper in the service.

Some of you are loving the title for this week's lesson, Jesus Calms the Storm, from Luke 8 (Lesson #20). That storm could be anything. It might just be the crazy business of the season

This week we continue our journey through the New Testament by looking at Jesus' teaching about the kingdom of God through the parables of Matthew 13 (Lesson #19 in Old Story New).

Hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving! And I pray that it was truly an opportunity to share your gratitude to God with the ones you love. But I also pray that we wouldn't wait for next year to consider God's faithfulness in our lives and express our gratefulness. God's will, according to 1 Thess. 5:18, couldn't be more clear.