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I hope you all had a blessed Christmas. We spent our Christmas on the road to Florida with Lilli's parents and twin sister's family. We are grateful to be here and spend time with them. Today, Saturday, we plan on heading to Magic Kingdom. We pray that we can be heavenly kingdom-minded, even as we are here in a dream world, where happy endings are promised, but few are delivered. And if these wish-upon-a-star dreams do come true, they quickly fade away. Here we are in Vanity Fair, baby!

Oh God, help us to enjoy the beauty and creativity of it all with our family, and yet remain shining testimonies of a kingdom so much greater, brighter, more satisfying, and unfading! Pray with and for us!

This week in lesson #22 we will be seeing once again the saving power of the Son of God from Matthew 14. Read it and watch Jesus calm the storm, heal the sick, multiply bread and fish, and even walk on water! He is God! See these miracles with new eyes - with the eyes of children. That's what Peter did when Jesus reached out and saved him. Put yourself in his sandals. Be amazed and worship!

Plan for the New Year

I would encourage you to take some time alone over the next few days and consider your plans for the coming year. How do you plan to spend time with God, growing in Christ next year? Do you have a time, place, and specific plan for your daily time with God? What is one area of sin you want to put off in the coming year? What is one area you want to grow in (put on)? What is one thing you want to change in your family life next year? Now think through some practical ways you can move toward these goals, beginning with remembering your identity in Christ because of the gospel and His help to you in the Spirit. Pray. And finally, share this plan with at least one other person for their input and help.

Happy New Year! Lord willing, I will be back on the 4th.

Pastor Jonathan

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