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This week's lesson is the story of the resurrection power of Jesus in raising Lazarus from the grave in John 11 (Lesson #28). What's amazed me about this story is how it is framed in the context of love. John 11:5 says that Jesus loved Mary, Martha and Lazarus. And then verse 6 tells us that he stayed two days longer where he was. The first word in verse 6 tells us the connection between these two verses, "therefore". In other words, because he loved them, he stayed two days longer and let Lazarus die. He confirms this in verse 15 after declaring that Lazarus was dead, "for your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe.”

That doesn't sound like the kind of love we're used to, does it? Explore this passage as a family this week. How was letting Lazarus die an expression of love for Mary, Martha and Lazarus, as well as for the rest of the disciples? What do we learn about Jesus from this story? How is it meant to strengthen our faith?

Scripture Memory

This was our last week of memorizing Psalm 121 together. Actually, this should have been a review for most of the kids from last year. I would love for us to be encouraging each other more in the memorization of Scripture. If every day is a fight of faith, are we arming ourselves with God's word that we can take with us anywhere? If you have any ideas for Scripture memory that you have found helpful, please share them in the comments section of the blog. Comments are now open!

Valentine Project

Over the next two Sundays (Feb. 8, 15), Mrs. Anderson will be helping the children with a Valentine's Day project at 8:45 a.m. We would love for your children to participate if at all possible!

See you Sunday, Lord willing!

Pastor Jonathan

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