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This week we go to Luke 9 (Lesson #23) where Jesus tells his followers that the secret to true lasting life is to lose it. Read especially Luke 9:23-27.

That's an amazing statement, isn't it? I love the way Dietrich Bonhoeffer puts it, "When God calls a man, He bids him come and die." That is, to die to everything in us that resists the beauty and authority of Christ.

The disciples were called to follow Jesus in literally giving up their lives for the sake of the gospel. So was Bonhoeffer and so many others that have gone before us. You might not be called upon to die for following Jesus. But are you willing? Is there anything in your life that is hindering your growth in Christ that you haven't been willing to give up? Is it better than Christ? Does it promise eternal joy? Lay it down! By grace, and for joy, die to lesser things, and enjoy the One who died so you could follow Him - Jesus!

We are on the road today, coming home from Florida. See you Sunday!

Pastor Jonathan

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