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This week in Promise Kingdom the kids will be studying Christ's ascension from Acts 1:1-14 (Lesson #43 in Old Story New). Can you believe we're over half done with our NT curriculum and yet just now getting done with the gospels!

This week's lesson (#42) looks at how the gospel fulfills the promise made to Abraham in Genesis 12. I used to think the Great Commission was only useful for making Christians feel guilty for not evangelizing more. It saddens me to think that many still view it this way. And worse is the fact that Christian leaders still teach it that way.

Let me begin with the heads-up for Sunday in case you don't get around to reading to the end. This week, Pastor Jim will be preaching from Colossians 3:5-7.

Our lesson this week (Lesson #40) revolves around the account of Thomas, doubting the reality of Jesus' resurrection until he could see and touch Him. In His kindness, Jesus granted Thomas' wish, letting him touch his nail-scarred hands and wounded side.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Yes, we celebrated Easter a few weeks ago, but we're just getting to Christ's resurrection in Promise Kingdom this week (Lesson #39). It's good to remember Christ's rising from the grave every day, isn't it? After all, it's an essential element in the gospel.