Screen Shot 2014-12-05 at 2.07.57 PMThis week we continue our journey through the New Testament by looking at Jesus' teaching about the kingdom of God through the parables of Matthew 13 (Lesson #19 in Old Story New). We will learn about how the kingdom grows in the parables of the mustard seed and leaven. We will learn that life in the kingdom is better than all the riches of the world in the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price.

Take some time this week to consider what you and your family may value more than life in Christ.

Christmas Tradition

As I've said before, the one consistent Christmas tradition we've had over the years is our Advent readings. We have a little Advent wreath we put on our dining room table and put three new purple and one pink candle in it each year. A bigger white one is supposed to go in the middle, but we have always used a nativity globe my sister gave us.

Four Sundays before Christmas we start our readings and light the first candle (I think this is the part the kids especially loved!) while we do our reading, pray, and sing a Christmas song. Each week, a new candle is lit (just like at church).

The resources to use for the reading are endless. We've used Scripture readings from Focus on the Family, readings I've put together, stories like Jotham's Journey or Behold the Lamb of God from Andrew Peterson. This year we are using Marty Machowski's Prepare Him Room. The point is not necessarily what you use, or whether you do this each and every night of Advent. The important thing is to have a consistent way to point you and your family to Christ this season.

For my own time with God this Advent season, I've been reading John Piper's, The Dawn of Indestructable Joy. You can buy the physical book or get a free pdf to read on your computer or mobile device. You can even get a free audiobook of it this month only. I've been tremendously helped in deepening my affection for Christ through these short but powerful readings.

Christmas Caroling

Next week (December 14), we will have a light lunch at the church after the service, then head over to the Golden Living Center on Greeley to bless the residents with caroling and gifts. I'll talk a bit to the kids before we go next week, but I would suggest taking some time between now and then to discuss with your children why we would go and sing at a nursing home. What does the gospel have to do with giving gifts to these elderly residents?

Feel free to personally encourage others in the church to join us. This might be a good opportunity to spend some time with your Grand Oaks prayer partner!

Have a gospel-saturated Saturday. See you tomorrow!

Pastor Jonathan