
Let me begin with the heads-up for Sunday in case you don't get around to reading to the end. This week, Pastor Jim will be preaching from Colossians 3:5-7. As you can see, this passage contains references to sexual immorality and impurity and the importance of putting them to death, among other things. The message will not go into graphic details, but we wanted to let you know it does not shy away from dealing with the issue of sexual sin. The meaning, source, and victory over sexual immorality are at the core of this message. I would highly encourage you to read Jim's recent blog article on preaching this message.

I am warning you ahead of time so that parents can decide how they want to handle this with their young children. As I see it, you have three choices. If your children are young enough, they may remain happily ignorant throughout the message. You'll know you misjudged when you get home and your child asks, "Daddy, what does sexual immorality mean?" Oops! And don't worry, I'll tell Hannah not to put words like "sexual" and "immorality" in the Word Find!

If your kids are old enough, I would suggest talking with them both before and after the message in an age-appropriate way. This isn't the time to give them the whole "birds and bees" talk (unless they're like 13 - and you really need to!) You can say that sex is something God designed between a man and a woman in marriage.  When we take that special thing he designed for a man and woman in marriage outside of marriage, it's called immorality and it's sin. Pastor Jim is going to talk to us about that today and teach us the importance of fighting against any sin that keeps us from Him. If they start asking questions beyond that, just say, "Go ask your mother/father!"

Of course the third alternative is to take them out of the service for the sermon. If you do this, I would suggest taking them outside or to the fellowship hall after the worship in song, to avoid being a distraction to others.

Evacuation Drill

We plan to have an evacuation drill at the beginning of the Promise Kingdom hour, weather permitting. If it is threatening rain, we will postpone. If this were an actual emergency, parents would pick up their children outside on the field near the church garage. However, you will not need to do so on Sunday.

A Miraculous Catch

Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 4.22.41 PMThis week our lesson is from John 21:1-25 (Lesson #41), where Jesus again reveals His power to the disciples in allowing them to catch a miraculous number of fish. But notice that Jesus isn't satisfied to have them simply witness His power. He doesn't want their awe. He wants their fellowship! And so they share a meal that Jesus prepares with the newly caught fish. Notice that Jesus enjoys physical food in His resurrection body!

But the best part of this chapter for me is the restoration of Peter. Peter vowed to never leave Jesus. Three times he claimed to have never even known Jesus. And now, here on the shore of the Sea, Jesus asks Peter three times if he loved Him. Three times Peter had denied Jesus, but now three times he is allowed to confess his love for Him. And Jesus responds with, "Feed my sheep." In other words, Jesus has forgiven Peter and given him the privilege of continuing to demonstrate his love by loving God's people and feeding them His word. What a testimony of grace! And what a word of hope to those of us who have at one time denied our Lord, after vowing our undying loyalty. 

See you Sunday!

Pastor Jonathan

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