Welcome back to Promise Kingdom!

This Sunday we kick off another year of ministry to your children. How grateful we are for this amazing privilige! Here are a few things to note before Sunday:

First, we are starting group activities at 8:30 a.m. this year. The primary motivation for this is so that parents have the opportunity to check in their children and be a part of the morning prayer time (women in the Fireside Room and men in the Loft).

I can't encourage you enough to take advantage of this opportunity and begin your worship in prayer together. And if your kids are like mine, they really look forward to the activity or craft project! However, this time is optional. Classes will continue to start at 9:00 a.m.

Second, we will be handing out family registrations to each of you on Sunday. Our policy is that we collect these every three years. If you could fill it out and return it to the PK box in the office (or give to me) by Sept. 27 that would be wonderful!

Third, welcome to Darlene Schmoeckel who will take over teaching in the nursery class for Deb Jacobe this year (Deb will still be coordinating the nursery during the service hour). Elizabeth Smith has also joined our team as a substitute. Please regularly express your gratitude to God for each of our teachers and helpers. We are extremely blessed!

And finally, you'll notice the entrance to Promise Kingdom has been transformed. You'll have to come down and check it out on Sunday! Thanks to Beth Anderson and her team of volunteers - Dan Parker, Susan Mueller, and others I'm sure.

I'm looking forward to welcoming your children back this Sunday. Then Sunday afternoon, I will be taking my bride on a trip to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary! God is very kind! We will return on the 23rd.

Gratefully in Christ,

Pastor Jonathan

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