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This week we are going to consider the truth that our love for God is shown by the fruit of our lives, especially when the winds of trial blow (Lesson #17). Jesus gives an illustration of this truth in Matthew 7 with the foolish man who built his house on the sand, and the wise man who built his house on the Rock. The Rock is Jesus. If He is our Rock, He is the foundation of all that we say and do. If He is our Rock, it should be evident by what is produced in our lives when the storms of trouble come.

This isn't just a lesson for kids. What is the fruit of your own heart when troubles come your way? Anxiety? Anger? Depression? Keeping busy so you don't have to deal with it? Confess your lack of faith to Jesus, and ask Him to help you build your life on Him. He is gentle, gracious, and forgiving.

Christmas Caroling

Once again this year we are going to bless the residents of Golden Living Center on Greeley with our voices and gifts. I hope you all can join us after the service on Sunday, December 14. We'll eat a light meal at the church, then head over to the nursing home to sing Christmas carols, hand out gifts (made by some of you in Titus 2), and pray for them. There is a sign-up in the church foyer to bring a food item.

Grand Oaks Prayer Partners

This is a reminder that all our children's prayer partners are the same as last year. Remember to include them in your family prayers, encourage your children to greet them in church, make a card of encouragement, or invite them over for a meal - or perhaps offer to bring the meal to them! If you have forgotten who your child's partner is, please let me know.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Jonathan

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