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This week in Promise Kingdom we will be studying the Last Supper from Luke 22:1-34 (Lesson #33). The Last Supper that Jesus shared with His disciples was a celebration of Passover, when God spared His people through the sacrifice of a lamb. Even as the disciples were buying the lamb that would provide for their Passover meal, Jesus was preparing to become the last Passover Lamb, our sacrifice for sin on the cross.

As we continue through this season of Lent, on our way to Resurrection Sunday, it's important that we lead our families in the importance of and a correct understanding of the cross. Why did Jesus have to die? Though they don't line up exactly, it has been helpful that our PK lessons are nearing the death and resurrection of Jesus as well.

Many of us are very intentional about doing special things to prepare our families for Christmas. How much more should we be doing the same thing for the central events for the life of every Christian. I would be curious what some of you are doing with your families in addition to the PK devotional. Please share your ideas with the rest of us in the comment section.

I can't wait to worship with you on Sunday!

Pastor Jonathan

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