ArkThis week we learned that God's presence is not a good luck charm that can be manipulated for our benefit. In 1 Samuel 5 we see Israel trusting in an object, rather than in God Himself. And yet despite their sin, we see God's faithfulness and mercy in judging the Philistines and returning the ark to Israel. Try to find some time as a family in lesson #53 in Long Story Short this week. Maybe this is an opportunity to bring your extended family into the conversation as you gather for Thanksgiving!

Our memory verse this week is Matthew 20:26-28:

“...whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (ESV)


Your kids did a fantastic job of calling the church to worship on Sunday with their singing! Thank you for working with them. And a big thank you to Ann Runk and Stacy DeCaro for coming up with the actions and teaching them to the children!

Please mark December 15 on your family calendar for our annual caroling visit to Golden Living Center (where we sang last year). We will have a light lunch at church following the morning service and then go to GLC at 12:30 PM. Look for a sign-up sheet in the foyer to bring soup, salad, or bread. This event is open to ALL at Oakridge Community Church - not just Promise Kingdom families!

Also, don't forget to turn in your fact sheets so the Grand Oaks can be praying for your children!

Have a very blessed Thanksgiving!

Pastor Jonathan