Solomon templeThis week we read from 1-2 Chronicles, now that peace had come to Israel, God used David's son Solomon to build the temple, a place of rest (Lesson #60). Though it was a beautiful structure, the most important thing about it was the fact that God's presence filled the temple. This temple is only a shadow of another temple, our hearts.

To learn more and discuss how this story points forward to Jesus, read Long Story Short this week with your family, then spend a couple minutes reciting the memory verse and close with prayer and a song (feel free to use the Promise Kingdom Song CD).

In our morning worship time we are continuing to learn all the books of the OT. We added all the major prophets this week. To really help the kids learn them, play the OT Books song from the CD at least a few times this week (you adults might even benefit from learning it with them!).

Our next memory verse is John 14:6 (below).

Have a grace-filled week!

Pastor Jonathan