Dear Promise Kingdom Parents,Rahab

I plan on communicating with you each week through the means of this blog. I will let you know what lesson we covered on Sunday so you can be using your Long Story Short devotional at home, the current memory verse, and any announcements that may be helpful.

Today after our craft time we spent a few minutes worshipping in song. I think it might take a few weeks for the kids to get used to me. Let's just say there were a few tears shed. Not sure if I'm scary or if it was just something new - maybe both! Loved singing with them though!

The lesson (#43) for this morning was on Rahab and how she trusted God by putting her life on the line to protect the spies of Israel. Even though Rahab is not an Israelite, God chooses her to help fulfill his plan and gives her grace to believe that God is giving their land to his people. In God's amazing grace Rahab is included in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, forshadowing God's intention to reach all nations with the gospel.

This year we are following the Fighter Verse Memory program from Desiring God. This week's passage is Matthew 5:11-12. If you have an iPhone or Android you can get the Fighter Verse App, which is a really helpful (and fun!) tool to help your children learn the passage. Some of these passages seem long, but I guarantee if you can work on it just a few times during the week as a family, they'll have it by Sunday.

Thanks for letting me partner together with you for the faith of these children. Have a grace-filled week!

Pastor Jonathan

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