Love your enemies

In this week's lesson (#14) from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus calls on His children to love their enemies. What a radical command! We find it hard sometimes to love even our friends, and brothers and sisters! To love those who hate us? Impossible!

Exactly. But isn't that the love of Jesus for each one of us? We too, were once His enemies, but now friends. What radical love! And with that love, may we go out of our way to love even those who hate us and seek our harm, and pray that in our love they would see the source of love - Jesus.

We will see this love in action on Sunday as we watch a video about a family who chose to stay in Syria and love their enemies despite the risk to their very lives. Immediately after the video we invite you to lift up your voice in prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ around the world and for the people they minister to.

Pray also for me. I have the privilege of preaching a message from John 6 before we celebrate communion together. 

Can't wait to worship together with you!

Pastor Jonathan