Paralyzed Man

This week in Promise Kingdom the kids will study lesson twelve, Jesus healing the paralyzed man from Luke 5:17-26. As great as that miracle of healing was, the greater miracle was that Jesus had the authority to forgive sins.

As Christians, don't we often take that for granted? I mean, we want the miracle we can see and touch. "Jesus, please heal my body. Jesus, help us make ends meet. Jesus, bring restoration to my relationships. Jesus, help my children to succeed. Yes, forgiveness is great! But now give me what I really want!"

Let's take some time this week and reorient our worship around the true miracle - that the One having authority over all things has made it possible to give me what I least deserve - forgiveness and restoration with Himself. Not that we can't ask Him for all those other things, but just so we put those other things in perspective - that Christ is All!

Outreach Opportunity

November is fast approaching and with it several opportunities to serve Christ's body all over the world. During November we are encouraged to remember the plight of orphans, begin to pack up boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters as they give witness to Jesus Christ amid suffering.

At any one time, there are multiple ways to provide practical help to each of these groups - and we try not to overwhelm you with too many all at once! On Sunday, November 2, we will watch a video during the service about the sacrifice one family has made, and continues to make on a daily basis, to remain in Syria as believers in Jesus Christ. First, let me warn you, there are some disturbing images in this video. There is some real fear that it will evoke of evil men coming to kill an entire family for their faith. On the one hand, I think it will be good for most of our children to see, with some follow up conversations. This is a reality for hundreds of thousands of people in this world. On the other hand, there may be some children that are more prone to fear and might not be ready to watch this - even with a talk both before and after. You know your children best and we'll let you decide whether you want to keep them in the service for this time (5 minutes).

If you would like to preview the video, go here.

Second, besides praying for those in Syria (both believers and unbelievers) we have the opportunity to provide Syrian Outreach Packs that are filled with practical items that will bless Syrian refugees who have been forced to flee Syria for surrounding countries. Local Christians in these countries will distribute the packs in conjunction with their own evangelistic work among Muslim Syrian refugees.

We have been given one empty pack to fill and send back to VOM. If each Promise Kingdom family brings one item from the list below, I think we could fill it (and if we get more - we'll get more bags!). Please try to bring your item to Promise Kingdom (Fellowship Hall) by November 2. Here is the list:

  • Blanket
  • Knit hat
  • Bed sheet
  • Socks
  • Solid-color T-shirt (no writing)
  • Jacket/windbreaker
  • Sweater
  • Gloves or mittens
  • Towel
  • Bar of soap
  • Foam or sponge ball

If you have any questions about this project (or anything else) please let me know. Grateful for you all!

In Christ,

Pastor Jonathan