Jesus Cleanses Temple

Tomorrow during Promise Kingdom the kids are going to be reading about and learning the story of Jesus cleansing the temple (Lesson 8 in Old Story New). Part of this lesson deals with Jesus not entrusting Himself to the crowds because they were only following Him on account of the cool miracles He could do.

Jesus knew their true intentions. He knew their hearts. This is a good reminder to us parents that our primary responsibility to our children is to shepherd their hearts to know and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ. There's an inherent danger that church kids, kids in private Christian school, and home-schooled kids have to just assume they love Jesus because the Christian culture is all around them. May we be diligent to make sure our kids know the difference between saying they believe in Jesus because that's what they know to say, and truly banking their hope on Him and living their lives for Him! We pray it's the latter for all our Promise Kingdom Kids!


Dads, remember to bring your boys to our volunteer project at Cheryl Talberg's this afternoon (Saturday) at 1:00 p.m. We will go from there to Jeff Magler's for our Steakout and eat at 6:00 p.m. Ryan Wyss will be sharing his experience in missions and his current responsibilities with TEAM.

Grand Oaks Prayer Partners

I also want to update you on our PK/Grand Oaks prayer partner plan. Because the kids have had such a short time with their current partners, we've decided to wait to switch them until next Fall. I'm encouraged almost every Sunday when I see kids running up to their Grand Oaks partners and giving them a hug. One of the Grand Oaks men confided in me a few weeks ago and said how much he appreciated being connected with these children. "It makes us feel useful," he said. So thanks for encouraging your kids to engage with these senior saints, and please continue to look for opportunities throughout the year to get to know them and serve them.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Jonathan