ElijahThis week we learned that God is at work even in the midst of a sinful generation (Lesson #62). He used the prophet Elijah in many miraculous ways. He withheld rain from the land of Israel to show that false gods have no power. He provided food for a faithful widow and brought her son back to life to show that God is in control of all things, including life itself.

What idols are we tempted to worship in our family? Can they provide what God can?

Our memory verse continues from last week: 1 Thessalonians 5:18-22.

Oakridge Banquet

We will be providing child care at the church through age 4. Please let me know, or indicate on the sign-up in the foyer if you will be needing child care. Also, if you have older children but are having trouble finding someone to care for them, please let me know. Perhaps we can find one solution for several families. I just don't want anyone to miss the banquet because they can't find child care!

Have a grace-filled week!

Pastor Jonathan