SamuelThis week we learned about the answer to Hannah's prayers, Samuel. In His abundant kindness, God not only gave Hannah a son, but in the midst of Israel's sin, He gave them a prophet who would obey Him and speak His words to them.

We also see God's warning and judgment against sin in this story with the disobedience of Eli's sons, Hophni and Phinehas, and Eli's failure to discipline them.

Try to read the whole account from 1 Samuel 3 this week and discuss the questions from Long Story Short as a family.

Our memory verse is much shorter this week, from Rom 10:17:

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (ESV)


Promise Kingdom kids will sing at the beginning of the service next week. Please have your children ready to line up outside the auditorium at 10:10. After the song they will be able to find you and sit with you for the rest of the service.

Try to find some time to work on the song with your children this week. It's a great song! Here are some videos to help with actions:

Introduce Actions from Oakridge Community Church on Vimeo.

Give Thanks from Oakridge Community Church on Vimeo.

Also, Beth Anderson is coordinating a prayer partnership between Promise Kingdom and the Grand Oaks. You should have received a "Facts Sheet" to fill out and return to the church. If you didn't receive a copy, click here. If you could fill it out and return a copy for each child by Sunday, that would be great.

Thanks for all you do as parents in pointing your kids to their only source of hope, Jesus. Carry on in His strength!

Pastor Jonathan