This week we continued to learn about God using Elijah to show that He is above every false god that is worshipped (lesson #63). He did this in a very powerful and public way on top of Mt. Carmel. Be sure and read the account with your family in 1 Kings 18:17–38.

I would appreciate your prayers this week as I attend the Desiring God Conference for Pastors in Mpls. The theme is our union with Christ. Should be amazing. I'm really looking forward to it.

I hope you can all attend the Oakridge Banquet on February 15. Please let me know your plans for childcare or if we can help you. We really don't want that to be a hindrance that keeps your from attending!

Our memory verse this week is Proverbs 3:9-10. How we use the resources God entrusts us with doesn't gaurantee prosperity, but gospel generosity does connect us with His blessings.

Have a great week!

Pastor Jonathan